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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Santa Claus Parade

Today is one of my favorite days of the year. For as long as I can remember I have sat in front of the TV on a particular day in November, with some hot chocolate and watched the Toronto Santa Claus pararde. The only years I wasn't in front of the TV to watch it was if I was actually there live. Its the Christmas milestone for me every year. After the parade i tend to get in the Christmas mood, start decorating the house, start shopping and just enjoy the season. It is my favorite time of year, some may call me a Christmas freak but I just find it warms my heart to have the house all decorated and family get togethers. I can't wait to start sharing these traditions with my son. I know that I will be the luckiest person in the world to have Kaysen in my life, but I also feel lucky that he will have the family traditions and love that have surrounded me my whole life, as a major part of his life. He will never be short of love and support as I still receive it on a daily basis and i'm 32 years old.
This evening will be even better as my mom called me this am and said that she was planning on coming over with a movie for us to watch, so I have recorded the parade, we will make some hot chocolate (will a little added adult flavoring) and cuddle on the sofa to watch the parade and Shrek Christmas, nothing like starting the season off in such a special way. Chris is working all night and my dad will be in bed early so we are having a girls night. I can't wait. I hope you all have a great day and hope that you all get to experience the traditions and love in your lives that I have and will continue to experience in mine.


The only update I have from the last post is that we've decided to take it one day at a time and see what happens. I am looking for another job but I will keep my Real Estate license, as for the office and expenses, we have decided to make that decision once I find a job. Thank you all for your support and kind words.