Isabella's Age

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Blog layout

I've been getting comments about my layout on my blog and thank you all for noticing but if you all visit you will have a chance to change yours as well it's so easy and allows us to customize as the seasons come and go. Enjoy.

Authentication Check

I received an email from Imagine Adoption today, and our dossier has now returned from Ottawa and has been Authenticated. She said it would be leaving for Ethiopia by the end of the week, so i'm guessing i'll officially be expecting by next weekend.

Calendar is in

I received my Ethiopia Calendar yesterday and wanted to thank everyone at Canadian Humanitarian for all there had work. The calendars are pictures from Ethiopia from others in this journey that have traveled before and the proceeds will go to helping different programs in Ethiopia. Needless to say, Money very well spent!!!
Thanks again.