Isabella's Age

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Work, work, work

I know i'm not posting much lately but it's not because I don't want to, it's that I can't find the time. I've been going hard with the new job and love being as busy as I am. The best part of it all is how fast the time is going. Already two weeks have gone by and we only have another two weeks for the restructing plan to be completed. As of the meeting the Trustees/Inspectors for BDO Dunwoody had today they are still on track to present a plan to the courts/government by the end of the month. We been in this for 1 1/2 years whats another 2 weeks to find out what's next.

Hope is definitely keeping me going from day to day and I still can't even imagine what I'll do if things don't go as planned but that is not what we are living with right now. Chris is doing ok as well, he is such a strong man and without him this would have been unbearable. He is my rock and I thank God every day for him. We both want to be parents more than anything in the world and often wonder why this is all happening to us, why can't we be lucky and have the easy road of others but everybody has their own story as to how their family became whole, ours will just be a heck of lot longer to tell.

Anyways, thank you all so much for the support and encouragement. We really appreciate it all.

PS. I would like to congratulate Rana and Yvan on the referral of their son, Ade, you were so strong through your wait and to see you so happy is such a great thing to see. I can't wait to see what the little guy looks like.