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Saturday, May 21, 2011

What a month!!!!!!!!

Our month began with devastating news. We received a letter from our Adoption Agency explaining to us that the cost of the adoption had gone up a significant amount. With this news Chris and I were forced to make another very difficult decision and due to the financial strain of everything we have been through, we decided the best choice for us was to let go of yet another adoption journey. Grieving another child we had been waiting for was a very difficult moment for us but in our hearts we knew it was the best decision for us and our family.

Although we decided to let go of the adoption, we never gave up on our dream of becoming parents. We decided to book an appointment with our local fertility clinic and discuss our infertility options. Luckily, we were able to get in within 2 weeks of calling.

This Wednesday we drove to Kelowna, 2 hrs from home, for our consultation meeting. I was very emotional that morning as I felt this appointment was officially closing the door to our little Quinten, but yet opening another opportunity. I was also very scared as if this didn't work out we may not be able to look at any other options. Running out of options is a hard thing to face.

We sat down with the Dr. in Kelowna, and as she was reviewing my blood work she noticed there were some irregularities with my blood work. She asked me if she could do another test on me to determine what may be going on, and of course I said yes. She said she needed to rule out pregnancy before going forward. There we were sitting in the Dr.'s office, looking at each other saying "there is no way we are pregnant", just as the Dr. walks in and say "YES YOU ARE PREGNANT". Chris and I burst into tears, not believing what she is saying. We were in total shock, how was that possible, I can't be pregnant, we have believed for 8 yrs that we can't have our own children and here we are pregnant...!!! What? What? What? is all we kept saying.

The Dr. then did a quick ultra sound to see how far along we were. She began with a pelvic u/s and all of a sudden there was a small foot and hand that came up on the screen, OMG, tears, tears, tears, OMG. She said, we need to do a regular u/s, and there was our baby, heart beat and all. After a quick measurement, she told us that we were not only pregnant but that we were 5 1/2 months pregnant. More than half way there. WTF???? I had no idea, i mean NONE.

We drove home in total shock that day and three days later i'm still in total shock, cannot believe it. I'm loving every minute of feeling the baby move and trying to understand what has happened.

We are overjoyed with this news and still feel like we are living a dream.

Our due date is around the 20th of September.

All I can say now is YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you all for your continued support. Our blog will not be a journey to parenthood as we let you all into this new adventure.

Mommy and Daddy Fournier + Baby.

PS. Ultra Sound Picture to Follow.