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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Retainer Agreement fears

I received the email from the "New Imagine Adoption" yesterday that included the new retainer fee to work with the new agency and with it came many fears. It's like all the hope i've had for the last few months is dangling on a string. I am trying hard to stay positive but I can't help but wonder what if? What would I do? Starting over is something I can't even imagine right now.
I hope and pray that all or most of the voters will pay the money and send in the agreement by the end of the month. They will let us know after November 30th if we have enough money to keep going. I so hope they give us the opportunity to come up with the missing money if there isn't enough.
Sorry that this is a negative post when i'm trying so hard to be positive but my protective side is taking over and is trying to get prepared.

I ask all out there that voted "YES" to please send in your agreement as soon as possible to allow us to get to the next step.


Ranavan said...

Natalie, you aren't being negative at all. After everything you have been thru this last few months it is only natural for you to be feeling scared and uncertain.

Hoping and praying people get their retainer fees in so you can bring home Kaysen.

Anonymous said...

Don't listen to those that tell you 'stay positive'. YOu are entitled to feel how you would like....and I would be feeling the exact same way. Obviously you hope that people pay their retainers, but it's only human to try to prepare your heart for a different outcome.
So I will not say 'stay positive'...but instead will say that I am hoping and praying right along with you all that things work out for everyone.

Stephanie said...

Thanks for the chat was great and long overdue!! Praying really hard that there are enought retainers back by the end of this week so you can breathe a big sigh of relief!

Love ya!

Steph :-)