Isabella's Age

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Getting Closer

Everyday is another day closer to meeting and holding our little princess. I have felt many emotions in the last few days, from being sad that the pregnancy is almost over, as I LOVE being pregnant, to excited to meet Isabella and make sure she is ok, to scared of the labour and birth part.
I know i'm not the first women to go through it and definitly won't be the last but it's the first time I go through it and I have no idea what to expect. It's the fear of the unknown that is getting me. Will I make it to the hospital in time? Will I be able to deal with the pain? Will it last forever? How much will it hurt? Will I do it right? Will my little girl be okay at the end of her adventurous journey? All these questions go through my mind everyday; however, the joy of knowing she will soon be hear to hold and cuddle and feed and teach and guide through this crazy world she is about to enter is over powering the fears. I'm always imagining what/who she will look like? What kind of personality she will have? I'm so anxious to know, but i'm already not wanting her to grow up too fast.
I have been feeling great with only a few aches and pains on a daily basis but nothing I can't handle, just normal part of the journey. Izzy is settling in quite nicely with her head down where it belongs for her to make her grand entrance. I'm officially not allowed to be alone for long periods of time anymore, as we are too close to the finish line but that's ok, I like the company.
I have been off work for 2 weeks now and loving every minute of it. I've been getting some much needed organizing done and alot of relaxing. My daily afternoon nap has been great and I think Isabella is enjoying that as well. She is moving around during the day, doing alot of flip flopping from side to side and hiccups here and there but not much kicking. I don't feel any pain from her at wish which i'm greatful for.
Well i'm guessing the next post may be the one, the one that will introduce you all to our little one. YAY.!!! Still can't believe this is happening.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

You have many of the same questions I did with our first child.
I have a feeling you will do great! Make sure to rest when baby rests.
I am looking forward to seeing your daughter in your arms.
